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I like the layout of the house and it is pixeled without many errors. But I miss some textures on the walls and the content could be a bit longer than a single sentence
05.05.2014 / 16:39
Nice house. Is it a putting green on the roof?
Some details (flowers) are ok.
But no picture in content
Good first work!
28.05.2011 / 00:21
A very nice house for your start here in PixelPlaza, welcome.

You present a nice idea of a relatively complex form of a family home. There are many angles and edges which you integrate perfectly into light and shading.

There could be a few more details in and around the house, like people, toys, cars, potted plants also next to the door, and so on. Then we are a big fan of textured areas, giving the concrete a bit of grain, or the facade wouldn't hurt.

Why not describe your models or inspirations in the content? It's a bit dry with the black and white creation history.
29.09.2010 / 12:16
Idea: I like your choice of colors and the green spots! Not very demanding architecture, but has several nice details. Some bushes on the grass down below would be nice though, don't you think? I don't mind the "missing" textures much, it's an interesting kind of pixel-style, also with dark, but not black outlines; has a certain "something". Some more details like more windows would be nice though...
Artwork: Shades are well-made (only the pots on the roof have them on the wrong side), cast shadows are there too, just missing from the parapet to the far left on the roof. The window on the shady side should be darker too, also it's frame, isn't that right? How about trying to color the mortar between the bricks brighter than the bricks; this could make the whole texture more visible. Maybe you will have the time somewhere in the future to give it a try and look at the difference
Content: I'd really like to know which program you used and how the idea of this flat came to you; also pictures would be so nice (a larger version would be much appreciated!)
01.08.2009 / 13:18
Mir gefallen die Bäume auf der Dachterasse Gut gelungen! Nur der Content ist in Englisch ...
12.05.2009 / 21:10
I like it! well done! I like the colours
20.04.2009 / 04:50
gelöschter Benutzer    
Nette idee, besonders der Garten oben auf dem Dach, Umsetzung gut gelungen
Content schwach, da nur "patchnotes"
Nice idea, the garden on the roof is a cool highlight. You "pixeled" well
The Content is boring, cause it's just patchnotes...
17.04.2009 / 11:48
Hi, Idea is Standart. But it locks really Nice. 3TB is right about the Black Lines. Try to avoid them. B'cause of the fact, that my english isnt that good i stop right ^^ For the first house it looks really nice
13.03.2009 / 20:35
Nice work! Did you have already some pixel skills before this?

But try to avoid black lines as they are too rich in contrast.
The windows need a bit depth. Maybe this tutorial can help you: Forum-Thread:1634, even if you don't understand the text.

If you have any questions and nobody is online to help you, you can open a thread in the forums. You'll get an answer within a day, i think. Forum-Topic:36

And maybe you could extend that content with some nice story or something else...
09.03.2009 / 14:46

Idee: Ein Haus, also nichts besonderes

Umsetzung: Finde ich toll. Der Schatten auf dem Dach ist schön (Aber ist das da Wiese auf dem Dach? Auch das rechte Fenster ist nicht ganz mein Ding, aber das ist supjektiv)

Content: Tja, der fehlt wohl.
07.03.2009 / 18:07