Diese Kommentare wurden bisher für dieses Gebäude abgegeben:
HOLA....SOY NUEVO VISITA MI _U_F_O_ 27.06.2010 / 02:59
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Theryl | |
Für die Idee ne gute Umsetzung nur die Schatten kommen mir ein wenig merkwürdig vor^^ 27.01.2007 / 02:21
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gelöschter Benutzer | |
ich hätte gern einmal die karte runter und hoch bestellt der schatten fällt beim aufbau in die falsche richtung 09.08.2006 / 01:06
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Jack86 | |
Nice idea, even some details, but still not enough for a café. The ground has one green color, instead of making some more different green colors for gras. The windows are well done and the desks are not bad, still I am missing the shadows from those items. The writing above the wall is well done, even the shadows of the letters. I would have chosen another color for the roof, but that´s not that important. Nice content, but no making of 08.07.2006 / 11:20
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tech-m-down | |
Du wirst immer besser, brinst immer mehr Details rein! Nur, der Schatten läuft in die falsche Richtung oder ist gar nicht vorhanden. // You are improving, your work always gets better. more details, very good. and long content. but the shadows are missing (chairs, tables) or are in the wrong direction (Dach, äh, roof). Sorry for my bad englisch, I had just a " good" in this subject, the second-best mark at a ge gymnsaium 8the best school type in my country). funny, eh? ah! the idea of a cafe with charis outside is not new. jutst the freezer, but thats "cool". 20.05.2006 / 22:54
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gelöschter Benutzer | |
gefällt mir gut nur etwas schlich fenster sind nich so dolle zu dunkel und schlagschatten fehlt und content breucht nen bildchen 29.04.2006 / 18:53
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gelöschter Benutzer | |
the shadow of the letters C-A-F-E are weird 22.04.2006 / 17:52
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gelöschter Benutzer | |
nice cafe... don't forget shadow... and make some structure on the grassland... and more details... but I think you will be a good "pixler"... 15.04.2006 / 10:05
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Chiya | |
Idea: another simple structure again, but nice details Drawing: letters are laaaarge - even taller than one floor of the café! Too bad the letters are so flat :/ cast shadows should fall to the right of the tables (are there no seats? ). The umbrellas are sweet - the freezers are nice too! Shadows are well done, I also like the outlines. Content: well, at last something. Ah, paint this time A making-of in pictures (saved steps of your drawing) would be a hit - you can upload one pic (make one larger pic by putting some steps together) by using the direct upload (second orange icon from the top right below the content-icon). Also pictures of cafés could be nice to look at 14.04.2006 / 00:56
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gelöschter Benutzer | |
Nice. Wery cool and good 13.04.2006 / 01:51
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