The Serious Business Building's name speaks for itself (it's a building for serious business ^_^) The heliport is also for Importing & Exporting like Import & Export business, but this building is not connected to it. The carpark doesn't also look good, maybe because there is only a few space or the cars are too big. The architecture of this building is not very complicated,but i tried to make an effort, this is what i came up with, it doesn't look very good . Like my factory, mansion and import & export business the image below resized for no reason. The making of this building could be bigger! but the maximum size was 100 kb and the bigger version of the making of was 112 kb ^_^. 07/18/2006 Creation of Serious Business Building. 07/20/2006 Made the cast shadows correct (why do i keep making them incorrect? By incorrect i mean half of the correct shadows). Made with: MS Paint and to transform into a gif file i used Giffy 2.0. |